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The University of California, Irvine was founded in 1965 on a site known as The Irvine Ranch in Orange County. The UCI campus is approximately five miles from the Pacific Ocean and covers approximately 1,500 acres. The campus buildings uniquely form two concentric circles that surrounds Aldrich Park, a 21-acre park that features trees and shrubs from all around the world. Word has it that the two concentric circles is a metaphor of one's progess from the inner circle to the outer circle to beyond the UCI campus, the world. To learn more about the campus visit Campus Virtual Tour

UCI's main website:

How to get to UCI?Driving Directions

Where to go upon arriving to the UCI campus?

Campus Map

Welcome to a lab that has always been interested in what the human eye can see with just the right insturments. View UC Irvine from different perspectives.

Images and movie of the UCI campus were done with Keyhole Inc. Images, by Ian Parker.

Final Destination was McGaugh Hall.

Click on the image above to view the movie.
Guess what building the artist lands on?
(slowly scroll over the image above to see the answer).

Aerial view of the UCI Campus

on the star to view of buildings around the area associated to the Biological Sciences Complex. The Biological Sciences Complex, where the Parker Lab resides, is one of the busier places on campus. The School of Biological Sciences has an enrollment of more than 3,500 undergraduate and graduate students. The School of Biological Sciences consists of four academic departments: developmental and cell biology, evolution and evolutionary biology, molecular biology and biochemistry, and neurobiology and behavior. It is also associated with seven specialized research units: Cancer Research Institute, Center for Immunology, Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, Center for Virus Research, Developmental Biology Center, Institute for Brain Aging and Dementia, and lastly, IRU in Biomolecular Structure and Function. To learn more about the school visit: School of Biological Sciences

Around UCI Campus...
UCI campus looking far north, Mt. Baldy.

UCI campus looking west towards the Pacific Ocean.

UCI Campus and west towards Newport Bay.

1146 Mc Gaugh Hall
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697-4550
Lab Tel: 949-824-7833
last updated 01/19/2006. Please send enquiries to